Re: [PATCH] Re: problem with cinterion TC63i rs232 modem

Hi Aleksander,

The attached patch solved the problem. Thanks!



On 13/10/11 22:12, Aleksander Morgado wrote:

So the real problem here is that the Cinterion modem sends a NUL byte
before the CONNECT response:

[mm-at-serial-port.c:298] debug_log(): (ttyS1): -->  'ATD*99***1#<CR>'
modem-manager[2621]:<debug>  [1317807408.548825]
[mm-at-serial-port.c:298] debug_log(): (ttyS1):<-- '\0'
modem-manager[2621]:<debug>  [1317807410.433152]
[mm-at-serial-port.c:298] debug_log(): (ttyS1):<--
It only does that during the first reply to ATD, not in the next tries,
that is why you were able to connect successfully after the first try.

Attached is a patch that solves the issue. It modifies the common serial
parser, so not something Cinterion-specific, but the change is quite
small and shouldn't affect other plugins.


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