Re: Networkmanager overwrites /etc/resolv.conf

On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 20:35 -0500, Patrick McMunn wrote:
> I have NetworkManager compiled with support for OpenResolv. I use KPPP
> to connect to the internet. For some reason, KPPP doesn't update

Is this for a 3G modem?  If so, NM won't overwrite stuff if you're
controlling that modem with ModemManager.  The problem is that there's
no canonical source for resolv.conf.  resolv.conf is really a composite
of the DNS information from a number of different sources and thus if
you have multiple things trying to update it, there's a lot of room to
go wrong.  You really need one thing.  That one thing is usually NM when
NM is running, but sometimes people stick things underneath, like
openresolv or resolvconf.  These sometimes cause more problems, but NM
does try to work with them.

First off, you need to make sure that you've built NM with
resolvconf/openresolv support by passing --with-resolvconf=[yes|no|
path-to-binary] and then NM will funnel it's composite configs to
whatever resolvconf implementation you're using.


> /etc/resolv.conf with DNS info when it connects (I reported a bug 2
> years ago and it still hasn't been resolved). So in order to connect
> to the internet and browse, I have my /etc/resolvconf.conf set up as
> follows:
> name_servers=""
> And when I connect to the internet /etc/resolv.conf is updated with
> the info in /etc/resolvconf.conf. But if I disable networking in
> NetworkManager then reenable it, or if I try to activate a wireless
> network (I don't know it this also holds true for wired networks,
> since I can't test that) while I'm connected to the internet,
> NetworkManager overwrites /etc/resolv.conf and the only line in it is:
> # Generated by NetworkManager
> So I have to either redial my internet connection or manually edit
> /etc/resolv.conf to add my DNS server info in order to continue
> browsing.

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