Re: ModemManager: Huawei PDU encoded USSD response truncated to 112 characters

I've found that prior to the following commit:

...gsm_unpack() in src/mm-charsets.c took the number of encoded characters as input, now it takes the number of decoded characters as input.

On 07/11/2011 21:50, Graham Inggs wrote:
I believe the cause of this problem is that the output string of
gsm_unpack() needs to be larger than the input string.  We get 8
characters out for every 7 input characters.

I have attached a simple patch to /plugins/mm-modem-huawei-gsm.c which
results in the full USSD response being returned.

I am not sure that this patch is the correct fix.  It may be that
gsm_unpack() in src/mm-charsets.c needs take the 8/7 growth into
account when sizing the output array and returning the unpacked size.
Would someone more familiar with src/mm-charsets.c offer some guidance

On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Graham Inggs<graham inggs uct ac za>  wrote:
Tested with Huawei E1820.

ussdresult = gsmussd.Initiate("*101#")
print "ussd response: %s" % ussdresult

ussd response: Balance = R 9.50  Expiry date:02/05/2031.On-Net Minutes
= 01:16:00.Free SMS's = 51.Free Data = 100.00 MB.Free Da

The full response should have been:

Balance = R 9.50  Expiry date:02/05/2031.On-Net Minutes =
01:16:00.Free SMS's = 51.Free Data = 100.00 MB.Free Data = 2007.44 MB.

Partial ModemManager log:

modem-manager[3316]:<debug>  [1320384816.466178]
[mm-at-serial-port.c:298] debug_log(): (ttyUSB0): -->
modem-manager[3316]:<debug>  [1320384816.504610]
[mm-at-serial-port.c:298] debug_log(): (ttyUSB0):<--
modem-manager[3316]:<debug>  [1320384816.818950]
[mm-at-serial-port.c:298] debug_log(): (ttyUSB2):<--
modem-manager[3316]:<debug>  [1320384816.819316]
[mm-at-serial-port.c:298] debug_log(): (ttyUSB2):<--
modem-manager[3316]:<debug>  [1320384818.431324]
[mm-at-serial-port.c:298] debug_log(): (ttyUSB2):<-- '<CR><LF>+CUSD:

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