Re: "deconfiguring network interfaces" kills wireless on NetMan?

On Thursday 30 of December 2010 00:16:40 Alan White wrote:
> It is my current belief that the message seen on shutdown (HP G60,
> Ubuntu 10.10.1, Atheros 5K) that Network Manager is deconfiguring
> network interfaces is part of the issue with wireless no longer working
> with Network Manager. In any event, I'd like to be able to again use
> this laptop with wireless! Soon! Thanks.
> Is there a replacement for NetworkManager on Ubuntu that allows wireless
> to work again? It works great under Windows Vista Home Premium on the
> same laptop...

Wireless could be unavailable from various reasons. Please include 
NetworkManager logs from /var/log/daemon.log file.

One possible reason is that wireless is blocked by RFkill. To check this run:
rfkill list
If there is a soft block, you could unblock it by:
rfkill unblock all

More info in man rfkill

BTW, the advice from Timothy is OK, but it's been aimed for James and is 
mostly Fedora specific.


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