Re: Problem Connecting to Mobile Broadband

On Thu, 2011-02-10 at 08:33 +0800, ms zaryna wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop, and been using network manager
> for couple of years. It's been working just fine until several days
> ago. I'm using mobile broadband with USB modem(Vodafone K-3565-Z), and
> it was able to detect and connect to internet ok, but then after like
> 2 minutes,  it lost the connection. I have to keep plug off my modem
> and plug it back to get the connection. The worst thing is it crashed
> my laptop, I got black screen and I can't seem to do anything other
> than reboot. I already made a report to my internet provider company,
> which will take 3 days at least to figure out if there is something
> wrong with my internet connection. Now I get connected ok, but I don't
> think the problem would just disappear. Hope someone can help. Thanks

To help you out we need see logs, on Ubuntu I think that /var/log/syslog
is the best log , but you may have other on /var/log.
We need to see if pppd die , and try find out if it is a ppp problem, or
if it is usb problem , see dmesg , type dmesg > dmesg.txt after crash
and see you you have anything new on end of dmesg.txt.
USB modem k-2565-Z was worked before ? 
and send lsusb -v after plug your modem , to know what device we are
talking about.
you may should open a bug on
with all details ask before to tack down the problem.

Sérgio M. B.

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