Re: [PATCH 0/4] APN type and plan extensions for automatic provisioning

Hello Dan,

On 07/31/2011 01:59 AM, Dan Williams wrote:
On Fri, 2011-07-29 at 22:10 -0400, Eric Shienbrood wrote:
Another way to do it:

<apn value="foo">
   <plan type="prepaid"/>
   <plan type="postpaid"/>
   <usage type="internet"/>
   <usage type="wap"/>

That way, the plan types and the usage types can still be declared as

That actually looks pretty good.  Oleg, does that look OK to you?  If
so, lets rev the patchset Just One More Time and then I'll push it, I
promise :)

Sure, that's fine. Please find the patch on the list.

I am not sure about the following, any opinions?

- Should we add <usage type="internet"/> and <"plan type="postpaid"/> for every such APN?
- Or should we assume that's default?

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