The meaning of Enable in MM/NM world of mobile broadband?

Hi all,
	I'm trying to understand the meaning of 'Enable Mobile Broadband' from 
the NM applet menu. I have a few questions:

Is the NM applet Enable item just a direct control of the WWAN devices's radio 
	a) if so, what happens at startup, is the modem's radio functionality 
checked and the Enable checkitem state set accordingly, or is the modem's 
radio forced into some default/remembered NM/MM derived state?
	b) if so, what happens if we have two modems (perhaps one is embedded and 
the other external) and their radios are in different states, or need to be?
	c) if so, does MM prefer to use +CFUN=0  or +CFUN=4 to Disable the modem?
	d) if not, what function does Enable on the applet perform?
	e) if not, is there another way to turn off the radio, perhaps an Aircraft 



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