Re: modem-manager: No-Plugins and networkmanager not able to detect modem device

On Tuesday 31 of August 2010 02:52:56 hong sheng wrote:
> Hi Bin,
> I solved the problem and now the modem can do auto-connection. The original
> problem was caused by sid 0 re-signed to be sid 99 issue as posted in the
> website
> Thank you very much for the help. One more confusing question, will
> networkmanager 8.0 always need modem-manager to manage modem or itself can
> do modem management if I just need connectivity rather than need sms or
> signal strength detection?
> thanks
> Xiaohong

modem-manager is always needed to manage modems.
That way NetworkManager is not cluttered and just pass modem handling to 


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