Re: DHCP timeout is too short for this college network

John Mahoney wrote:
On Ubuntu 9.10 it appears you can edit the file /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and uncomment the line timeout in the file and increase it to say 180 seconds.

Thanks for the suggestion! Sadly, it didn't work.

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 too, and I do indeed see that the config file gets copied as you indicate. I tried replacing
#timeout 60;
timeout 360;

But N-M continues to impose its 45-second timeout:
Jan 11 21:20:00 dan-lap NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCP transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
Jan 11 21:20:46 dan-lap NetworkManager: <info>  (eth0): DHCP transaction took too long, stopping it.

I suspect that /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf only controls dhclient's timeouts. The dhclient timeouts are already OK for me. The thing I need to change seems to be the additional 45-second timeout that N-M imposes; if dhclient takes longer than 45 seconds, N-M kills it.

When I run dhclient manually, I avoid this additional timeout. Once that's out of the picture, dhclient is allowed to run its course, and it usually succeeds.

As far I can tell, N-M's timeout is hard-coded, but I'd be delighted to be proven wrong on that. ;)

I also investigated the possibility that the slowness was caused by tree-spanning (with help from Gavin). However, I'm pretty convinced that's not it.

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