Re: NM 0.8.1 - DBus rejected messages

On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 15:14 +0100, Alex Buell wrote:
> Every time I hang up on my mobile phone's GSM modem, I get the following in the logs:
> Aug 18 15:12:09 lithium dbus-daemon: [system] Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="error", sender=":1.138" (uid=0 pid=32572 comm="/usr/sbin/NetworkManager) interface="(unset)" member="(unset)" error name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod" requested_reply=0 destination=":1.170" (uid=0 pid=6063 comm="/usr/sbin/pppd))
> Aug 18 15:12:09 lithium dbus-daemon: [system] Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="error", sender=":1.138" (uid=0 pid=32572 comm="/usr/sbin/NetworkManager) interface="(unset)" member="(unset)" error name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod" requested_reply=0 destination=":1.170" (uid=0 pid=6063 comm="/usr/sbin/pppd))
> Aug 18 15:12:09 lithium dbus-daemon: [system] Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="error", sender=":1.138" (uid=0 pid=32572 comm="/usr/sbin/NetworkManager) interface="(unset)" member="(unset)" error name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod" requested_reply=0 destination=":1.170" (uid=0 pid=6063 comm="/usr/sbin/pppd))
> Aug 18 15:12:09 lithium dbus-daemon: [system] Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="error", sender=":1.138" (uid=0 pid=32572 comm="/usr/sbin/NetworkManager) interface="(unset)" member="(unset)" error name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod" requested_reply=0 destination=":1.170" (uid=0 pid=6063 comm="/usr/sbin/pppd))
> This is with NetworkManager 0.8.1. Any idea what's causing this? 

When doing a method call from which you do not expect a reply, you need
to tell D_Bus that you don't expect a reply, which we're not doing here.
D-Bus recently got more restrictive about this.  It's not a functional
issue, just an annoying warning one.  But dbus-glib should be handling
this automatically since January 2009.  What version of dbus-glib do you


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