Re: Hidden ESSID, WPA-Enterprise -- troubleshooting help?

On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 10:57 -0400, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Is there a document someplace that tells me what information would be
> helpful to troubleshoot a connection like this that will not work? I'm
> trying to connect via the plasma NetworkManager applet... have not tried
> other means. Would love to have this working, though, as it feels silly
> using 3G in the office.

First, what kernel version are you using, and what wifi driver and
hardware?  That has a lot to do with this issue.

One place to try is:

I've fixed some bugs in NM, wpa_supplicant, and the kernel drivers back
in April on this specific type of setup, but that was with the gnome
applet, and some of the same things could apply in your case.  But if
you could send along your /var/log/messages (or /var/log/daemon.log) and
do the wpa_supplicant debugging thing, that would help.


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