Re: "Wireless is disabled" message

I never received a reply when I sent my details, so I changed my network manager to WICD and everything worked straight away. I didn't want to because it's very aggressive (it deletes all other network managers before it installs and the user interface doesn't have as many features) but WICD's allowed me to connect to everything without any problems.

Hope this helps,


2009/9/2 代尔欣 <daierxin gmail com>
Hi all,
   I also met this problem. The root cause maybe different. Below is my findings in my case.
When the problem occur, the dbus call

    val = _nm_object_get_boolean_property (NM_OBJECT (client),
in function nm-clent.c - update_wireless_status() failed.

This problem happen when the NetworkManager daemon is busy with another dbus call and do not return. This only happened when NetworkManager first start. When the problem occur, restart the nm-applet can fix this. It seems some daemon dbus call(with supplicant? driver issue?) too long block the nm-applet dbus call and make it fail?

To fix this, I simply comment the nm-applet codes about check this because my device do not have killswitch. Of course the fix is just for my device^_^.

2009/5/20 Thomas O'Donoghue <tomjodonoghue googlemail com>
UPDATE: When the hardware switch is turned to "off" then the messages are the same. Is there any way to manually set the RFKill State?


2009/5/19 Thomas O'Donoghue <tomjodonoghue googlemail com>

username lifebook ~ $ cat /sys/class/rfkill/*/state
username lifebook ~ $ cat /sys/class/rfkill/*/type

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