Re: [PATCH] Make ifcfg-eth* NM_CONTROLLED=no work without HWADDR by matching on device name

Mads Kiilerich a écrit :
> (My specific use case is an appliance where I use NM for wireless but 
> don't want it to control eth0. Obviously the eth0 MAC address varies, 
> and storing it in ifcfg is problematic.)

Why do need to install NetworkManager in the first place? Isn't the
old ifcfg alone working just fine?

The more I (try to) use NM and the more I read this list the more I
feel like NM is meant only for desktop people not doing anything weird
or unusual with their network configuration. NM seems to have
"NM_CONTROLLED=yes" written all over its DNA, as explained here:

"The only way you can make intelligent decisions about the network state
on the machine is to make those decisions with *all* the necessary
information, and that means letting NetworkManager control all your
network connections."

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