Re: Fwd: Restoring NetworkManager settings

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 02:16:12PM -0800, Alan Evans wrote:
> When I was finished with the temporary settings, I went back and
> re-checked the box for NetworkManager control. But NM never really
> "took control" of eth0 again. I looked in "Edit Connections..." from
> NM and saw that what used to be "Auto eth0" now said "System eth0."
> There was no obvious way to change or delete it. Even root wasn't
> allowed to delete it from the NM dialog.

You can't edit System connections using Edit Connections...

> I eventually did manage to get "Auto eth0" back by manually deleting
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0. But I can't edit anything
> about the connection, which is what I should have done instead of
> involving system-config-network.  Everything under the edit dialog for
> Auto eth0 is grayed out.

Just ignore Auto eth0, right-click the nm-applet icon, and add a new 
wired connection that way.  Name it whatever you want and give it 
static addressing.  Then just select that new connection whenever you 
want to use those settings.

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