Re: Mobile broadband connects to wrong USB device

On Tue, 2009-01-06 at 11:27 +1100, Ben wrote:
> Hello, I have a Dell Mini which uses a 5530 mobile wireless card. This
> works fine with wvdial etc. When I try to add a new wireless broadband
> connection using Network Manager, I select Vodafone (as they are the
> provider), and then when I try to connect to it, I can see in the top
> right where the Network Manager icon is trying to connect, if I move my
> mouse over it I can see that it says it's trying to connect to USB0,
> however the wireless card is actually using USB4.
> So, my question is, how can I get behind the scenes of the new network
> connection to make it try to connect to USB4 (/dev/ttyUSB4) instead of
> USB0? There doesn't seem to be anything of interest in my ~/.gconf/* dirs.

So this would be a problem in the Hal entry for your modem.

I have attached one that should fix it. Can you copy it over the one you
have (back yours up first) and reboot your system. See if it works.

I see that what is in there now it's going to try ttyUSB0. This probably
needs to be changed. Once you have tested it, I will submit the fix

> Thanks,
> Ben.
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