Wireless connection to "(none)"

I found these archived messages through Google, and I have the same
problem - the connection works fine, and the Connection Established
message displays the right AP name, but the tray icon says there is a
"Wireless network connection to '(none)'", and there are no bars showing
signal strength.

nm-list shows the connected AP at the top of the list, but there is no "*".

Re: Wireless connection to "(none)"

    * From: Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com>
    * To: sanjeev sharma <sanjeevsharmaengg gmail com>
    * Cc: networkmanager-list gnome org
    * Subject: Re: Wireless connection to "(none)"
    * Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 11:50:05 -0500

On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 11:39 +0530, sanjeev sharma wrote:
Hi Dan,
As we had Already Discussed this and I had Created an Patch for this
Bug which is in NetworkManager.And you had a look into it
earlier.Could I checked in this patch Into NetworkManager CVS.So We
could Closed this Bug after checked in patch.
I believe my last comment on the patch was that it only covers over the
problem, it doesn't actually fix the problem.  You'll only get this
issue when NetworkManager cannot find the currently associated AP in the
scan list, which could be either a driver bug, or a NetworkManager bug.
Using nm-tool will help determine whether its in the applet, or in


sanjeev sharma
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:02 PM, Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com> wrote:

        On Sun, 2009-02-01 at 00:57 +0100, Ermanno Bonifazi wrote:
        > Network manager shows in the tooltip to be connected to
        > network name, even if is connected to a specific Wireless
        LAN (e.g.
        > WLAN) and is correctly working.
        > In fact is I right click on connection information the name
        WLAN with
        > the correct IP is shown.
        > Any hint?

        What version of NetworkManager?  When you see this bug, and
        you run
        'nm-tool', does a "*" show up next to the wifi network you
        should be
        connected to?


        NetworkManager-list mailing list
        NetworkManager-list gnome org

    * References:
          o Re: Wireless connection to "(none)"
                + From: Dan Williams
          o Re: Wireless connection to "(none)"
                + From: sanjeev sharma

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