Re: Stop nm-system-settings when NM is stopped

Thoughts, Opinions?
Technically, NetworkManager doesn't start nm-system-settings daemon
(nor wpa_supplicant), so I don't think it should kill it either. It's
a DBus activated service and it should have the same life cycle as
DBus system daemon. Also, requiring NM/system settings restarts to
modify a single NMConnection doesn't sound very nice. So in my
opinion, you should just implement monitoring like keyfile,rh, and
opensuse plugins do.
I think system administrators are not necessarily interested in such
technical details, they just want one and only one button to press
after reconfiguration.

People are used to type something like "/etc/init.d/foo restart" and
job's done, they do not really care how many processes/buses/daemons
this involves behind the scene. They do not care either if the script
is overkill and restarts way too many processes for the change they
made: as long as it works in less than a few seconds, everyone is

I would assume most people understand "/etc/init.d/NetworkManager" as
the new "/etc/init.d/network[ing]" incarnation: that is a global
_service_ restart as opposed to a single process restart. This could
be where the core problem is: in the definition of this user

If restarting nm-system-settings does the job, then watching
configuration files sounds a bit like over-engineering to me. But I
admittedly know nothing about DBus nor any other implementation

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