Network manager or application, but not both!!!

Today an automatically upgrade was made (Ubuntu 8.0.4) and thereby the
Network manager has been again replaced from 0.7 to again another 0.7 (I
am puzzled about that too, no change of version nubers anymore????)

Now a bug from 2005 has been re-introduced:

1. it connects now to the Internet without asking you for the wireless
key again (GREAT, see my message from two days ago), but

2. as long you are connected, no application can be opened !!!

Stupid way I could do:
1. close the wireless connection
2. start skype and pidgen
3. reconnect to the wireless again
Skype and pidgen are working now.

However, that is not a solution to disconnect to be able to open an
application (including a terminal to figure out what happens)

PLEASE hear my prayers and fix it as soon as possible!!!!!



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