Re: dnsmasq

Jim Popovitch wrote:

See, there you go again.  Injecting a perceived feature request that
no one in this thread has requested.  You really must come back to
ground level and understand that NO ONE is asking you or NM for
fine-grained name resolution control.  Nope, no one.    The only
feature requested was for NM to provide a checkbox style boolean
option to enable/disable resolv.conf updating (a'la DNSUpdate in Cisco
VPNs) in NM Global options, individual connection settings, and
(possibly) as an option per connection type (i.e. wired/wireless).
NOTHING MORE.  No need to try and push people to use dnsmasq, no need
to espouse your great knowledge of all things, no need for you to
educate anyone.   In fact, a simple "Yes it can be done" or "No,
that's impossible to implement" would have sufficed.

At the risk of interrupting one of the liveliest threads on this list for some time ;) - perhaps the issue is just one of semantics?

If you replace the feature request of "enable/disable resolv.conf updates" with "enable/disable DNS updates" on a per-connection basis then surely that's problem solved?

Whether you want these written directly into resolv.conf, or passed to your caching nameserver shouldn't really matter. One might be a better choice technically, but that's the distros/users choice to make...


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