Re: Static and dynamic wired interface

At 9:23am -0400 on Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Dan Williams wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 12:01 +0300, Kristian Slavov wrote:
>> Is NM capable of handling the following scenario?
>> A laptop, when located at office, has a static address. Once outside, 
>> DHCP is used to get an address.
> NM 0.7 is, but since you're mixing the two there will be some manual
> operation on your side since there's not a good generic way to
> autodetect what network you're on when you plug in the cable.

Hmm, not to be Ubuntu-centric, but I see this brainstorm idea:

"Intelligent integration of Network Manager with applications"

I thought I saw another one about selecting one's location as well, but
now I can't find it.  In any event, the idea is to basically mimic what
OS X currently does with locations.  You can select where you are (Via
Apple->Location), and it will set the current profile of the computer
(Internet sharing enabled/disabled, airport on/off, etc.)

Any thoughts about tying some functionality like this together with some
D-Bus stuffs?


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