Re: Bssid to supplicant config

hi Dan,

After adding the function you wrote, I still have the same problem. the log is:

May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <info>  Config: added 'ssid' value 'home'
May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <info>  Config: added 'scan_ssid' value '1'
May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <info>  Config: added 'bssid' value ''
May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <info>  Config: added 'key_mgmt' value 'NONE'
May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <info>  Config: added 'auth_alg' value 'OPEN'
May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <info>  Config: added 'wep_key0' value '<omitted>'
May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <info>  Config: added 'wep_tx_keyidx' value '0'
May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (wlan0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <info>  Config: set interface ap_scan to 1
May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <info>  (wlan0) Supplicant interface state change: 2 -> 0
May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <WARN>  set_network_cb(): Couldn't set network config: Did not receive correct message arguments..
May 19 09:36:10 fc8 NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (wlan0/wireless): association request to the supplicant failed: fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.InvalidOptions - Did not receive correct message arguments.

The other day also looked why wpa_supplicant doesn't take the ap I wanted and not the other with the same name and I saw that they don't have a case for my situation, When they are choosing the AP to connect they don't look if a connection has wep encryption and the ap has wpa encryption. I will also write now to wpa_supplicant to see if it's a bug.

Thanks Dan,

Charly Liu

-----Original message-----
From:Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com>
To:charlyliu linpus com
Cc:networkmanager-list <networkmanager-list gnome org>
Date:Tue, 13 May 2008 12:12:00 -0400
Subject:Re: Bssid to supplicant config

On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 15:46 +0800, charlyliu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to pass the AP bssid to a connection setting (at wireless_new_auto_connection) so when I want to connect, I also check the bssid. I do this because I notice that it doesn't connect if there is 2 aps with the same SSID and one is with WEP encryption (the one I want to connect to). 

This sounds somewhat like a driver problem.  Given an SSID and security
parameters (via ENCODE, or ENCODEEXT + GENIE + AUTH), the driver takes
the intersection of the parameters given to it by userspace, and it's
own internal scan list, and uses one of the resulting BSSIDs to
associate with.

So given an SSID and WEP encryption, the driver should not even be
considering association with the non-WEP AP.  However, if both APs have
the same SSID, and the same security parameters, then the driver would
be free to choose either AP to associate with since there's no
discernable difference between their capabilities.

> I tried many ways, saving a ether_addr inside the bssid->data, saving the string that I get with the function nm_access_point_get_hw_address and changing the settings verify, nm_ap_check_compatible and nm_supplicant_config_add_setting_wireless. But either ways work.

bssid is a GByteArray, so you'll need to initialize it with something

void set_bssid(struct ether_addr *addr, NMSetting80211Wireless *s_wireless)
	if (s_wireless->bssid)
		g_byte_array_free (s_wireless->bssid, TRUE);

	s_wireless->bssid = g_byte_array_sized_new (ETH_ALEN);
	g_byte_array_append (s_wireless->bssid, (const guint8 *) addr->ether_addr_octet, ETH_ALEN);

Then of course that setting information gets pushed down to
NetworkManager, which pushes it further down to the supplicant.  In your
syslog messages during connection, do you see anything like:

NetworkManager: <info>  Config: added 'bssid' value 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'

after setting the BSSID correctly in your settings service?  If not,
then there's a bug in NetworkManager.


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