"WPA: EAPOL-Key Replay Counter did not increase - dropping packet" or "eth0: link timed out"


I'm having issues with my Prism 2.5 card under a brand new installation of Fedora 9.

Network Manager will not connect to my unencrypted network at all.  It says "NetworkManager: <info>  eth0: link timed out.".

The interesting bit is that when I enable WPA2 on my access point, Network Manager will indeed connect for about 20 seconds (and I can ping), but then it disconnects after wpa_supplicant complains "WPA: EAPOL-Key Replay Counter did not increase - dropping packet".

I have attached logs for both the open network and wpa2 cases.  I'm sorry, I don't know how to make them more verbose, but I am happy to submit any additional debugging information you request.  Please view these logs; each was made after a cold boot (and without starting Network Manager on boot) so that they would all be from an even, clean slate.

I can confirm a few other things:

This is a Prism 2.5 card:
[pprince lifebook ~]$ /sbin/lspci | grep Pri
00:12.0 Network controller: Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01)

Using the hostap_pci driver:
[pprince lifebook ~]$ /sbin/lsmod | grep hostap
hostap_pci             47760  2
hostap                 91780  1 hostap_pci
ieee80211_crypt         8324  2 ieee80211_crypt_ccmp,hostap

And no orinoco modules are loaded (I blacklisted them because they interfere with hostap):
[pprince lifebook ~]$ /sbin/lsmod | grep orin
[pprince lifebook ~]$

The wireless card itself has the newest available non-buggy firmware, according to http://linux.junsun.net/intersil-prism/
[pprince lifebook ~]$ dmesg | egrep "PRI|STA|NIC"
wifi0: NIC: id=0x8013 v1.0.0
wifi0: PRI: id=0x15 v1.1.1
wifi0: STA: id=0x1f v1.8.2

I'm running the stock Fedora 9 kernel:
[pprince lifebook ~]$ uname -a
Linux lifebook 2.6.25-14.fc9.i586 #1 SMP Thu May 1 05:49:25 EDT 2008 i586 i586 i386 GNU/Linux

And the stock Fedora 9 version of Network Manager, which happens to be from SVN:
[pprince lifebook nm_logs]$ rpm -qa | grep NetworkManager

I have also upgraded the firmware on the AP to the newest version available.

Other PCs have no issues connecting to this AP.

Any help with this (even pointers to things to try, other places to ask for help, or ideas on how to get better debugging information) is greatly appreciated.

-Paul Prince

Attachment: open-networkmanager.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: open-wpa_supplicant.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: wpa2-networkmanager.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: wpa2-wpa_supplicant.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: wpa2-dmesg.log
Description: Binary data

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