nm api to get essid, freq, qual ...


I have already looked at http://lists.shmoo.com/pipermail/hostap/2007-December/016761.html message.

I would like to know, if  api's in nm-device-802-11-wireless.c in NetworkManager/src or nm-device-802-11-wireless.c in NetworkManager/libnm-glib can be used to get essid, frequency and quality.

I also, read an old article which hinted at using NetworkManager D-BUS api to get network related information for other desktop applications.


To get ap list can these api's be used:

const GPtrArray *nm_device_802_11_wireless_get_access_points (NMDevice80211Wireless *self) 
nm_device_802_11_wireless_ap_list_print (NMDevice80211Wireless *self)


I am trying to overlay network information (essid, freq ...) on a live video stream.
Using "system(iwlist ath0 scan | grep ESSID > net_info.txt)"  and then reading the file each millisecond or less takes a lot of time. (For each single video frame using "system" command to get network parameters and then overlaying text makes the live video really slow).

So, looking for an api that directly provides the required wireless network parameters.



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