Networkmanager Crash after update

Hi, I am not 100% sure this is Network Managers fault so forgive me if its not!

I have a Hp Laptop and installed a ISO spin of fedora with base only install, I followed the instructions on Linux wireless to install the firmware (B43 cutter) and Networkmanager worked out of the box.

I then before installing anything else ran a yum update -y and then found following login from gdm I got an instant crash (total freeze)

By logging in as root and removing .gome2* from my home directory (thus removing the keys and so on) I could get back into my account. But then when I feed Networkmanager the details of wireless key etc as soon as I press OK the machine instantly freezes, even mouse pointer. (the green connecting bulbs just start to spin and lock up)

As it is a total freeze I am having trouble with logs as they are not being generated as a power off is the only solution.

[root localhost log]# rpm -qa |grep kernel

[root localhost log]# rpm -qa |grep Network

The 25-14 Kernel is the one I am using at this moment to post the message wireless all ok. The is the kernel which crashes.

I have had to post here as I can see no other reports of similar issues.

Any help greatly appreciated


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