Connection problems with wpa_supplicant already running


this is a weird failure scenario with current SVN trunk but I am able
to reproduce it every time so I'm wondering is this a local hickup or
what. I'm using Fedora 8 + latest updates + NM SVN trunk. The problem

When starting up NetworkManager, wireless connection can't be
established. I found out that I need to stop NM, stop running
wpa_supplicant (started during boot while networking was being started)
and then start NM and all works well. What is weird that if I restart
NM then everything still works (even though w_s was running). After
testing it seems that there are connection problems only if 1)
wpa_supplicant is already running when starting NM and 2)
wpa_supplicant was not started by NM (but while doing "service network

This probably sounds weird but I'd like to know is there something
wrong in my system or is this a general problem?


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