Re: autoconnect to wired if link is up

Hi Nikolaus,

Nikolaus Filus wrote:
Stefan Kost wrote:


I am on ubuntu feisty and use network manager as I roam around with my laptop. On my desk I have a wired connection (static ip), elsewhere wifi. Now my problem is that whenever I boot the machine it connects to wifi. I checked with ethtool that the link status is readable and it works. Any ideas how I can make NM use the wired connection by default?

short answer: doesn't work

long answer: feisty's nm is modified to allow static ip by the system
configuration files and is not officialy supported by upstream. Either you let
NM manage both or none interfaces. Your use case is expected to be possible in
the coming 0.7 version.

thanks for the quick reply. Would it work if I use dhcp on eth0? I mean would it preffer wired over wireless if there is a link on the wired iface?



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