[Fwd: failure of NETWORKMANAGER_)^_$_RELEASE ond FC5]

In order to get LEAP authentication I installed the unstable version of
NetworkManager from the CVS on Sept 4. This worked well for a whale but
in November (possibly affected by a security patch installed on the
system) Leap authentication was spotty.

So I downloaded NETWORKMANAGER_0.6_4_Release on Dec 26. I compiles it
successfully but just installed it today. It failed to work in the
following sense.

The nm-applet was launched automatically and I was asked for the
password on the access point. Immediately thereafter the connection
failed leaving the well known symbol on the upper panel of my desktop
and I could not revive it of make it try again to connect.

I immediately reinstalled the unstable version which worked.

Now what can I do to get you the details that would allow you to debug
the reason for failure. This product has always just "worked out of the
box" on FC5 so I ma stumped. What can I do to pin point the reasons for
"Are [Linux users] lemmings collectively jumping off of the cliff of
reliable, well-engineered commercial software?" (By Matt Welsh)
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akonstam sbcglobal net

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