VPN Interface Suggestion

I would like to make a quick suggestion regarding the VPN interface in 
network-manager.  I think this has been eluded to before, but I have not 
followed this list closely and I couldn't turn up any matches in my brief 

I think it would make sense to add a checkbox option titled "exclusive 
connection" to each of the vpn configuration dialogs, with some sort of 
tooltip stating "When established, this vpn connection will disconnect all 
other vpn connections."  The checkbox would default to enabled for all vpn 
types except for ipsec connections (vpnc and the openswan applet that is 
under development).  Then add checkboxes to the applet next to each 
connection name, conveying whether or not each connection is active.  This 
would allow users to connect to multiple vpns at the same time, and would 
keep the interface simple.  For example, ticking a checkbox next to the name 
of a connection establishes it -- and depending on the "exclusive connection" 
setting -- will disconnect all other active connections.  Unticking a 
checkbox next to the name of a vpn connection would disconnect from the vpn.  
The average user would be largely unaffected by the change, but it would 
greatly benefit ipsec users.

Bob Ziuchkovski

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