hostname support (dhcpcd -h)


first off, awesome work so far on the network manager. I've seen it in
the latest Fiesty release of Ubunutu and was quite impressed. To bad
it's gnome only, as I'd love to also be able to use with xfce (sans the
gnome bulk).

Anyway, I hope this isn't asked/mention earlier, I couldn't find it in
the mailinglist archive.

At my university, where I can hookup my laptop to the local
infrastructure, it is required that your hostname is set to your
username. Under windows anyway, the linux dhcpcd client has a neat
option however, -h to specify a specific hostname to query the dhcp
server with. Right now, changing the hostname via the network manager
changes the hostname of the entire box, and thus renames my laptop,
something that's not required or wanted.

So here's my question/suggestion, would it be possible to add a hostname
field per connection instead of renaming the entire machine for such



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