Re: dial-up config?

Hi Idee,

On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 19:10 -0700, mb wrote:

> Yes I found that a reboot did handle it.  I wrote Dan as such also.
> Thanks for the help.  I noticed that a warning window said it wouldn't
> handle mutiple providers yet, but after a couple of reboots I was able
> to get it to show 2 providers.

Rebooting should not be required.  Just add/remove/modify your dial-up
connections using YaST and restart NetworkManager afterwards.

> The one thing I might request would be to be able to open a window and
> see the log file, to see if you are connected, why or when it didn't
> connect, etc. 

Yes, there is quite some room for improvement with regard to PPP
connections.  I think you can expect better support for such in the
foreseeable future.

> Over all I do like it.  Thanks!
> idee.


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