Can't specify key index for WEP

I'm using NetworkManager as offered in the Fedora Core 5 distribution,
and for most networks it works fine for me. I could not, however, make
it work on one wireless network I occasionally use.

On this specific network, the key I specify is key #4. The
NetworkManager interface (or at least the Gnome interface I use) does
not permit me to specify the index of the key used, so even though I
specify the right key, I will not be able to connect the network.

Before I upgraded to Fedora Core 5 and started using NetworkManager, I
could specify the index and key as:

KEY='[4] feeddeadbeefdefacedbedface'

in the keys-wlan0 file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

I cannot, however, find reasonably accessible way of accomplishing a
similar approach using NetworkManager.

Am I missing something, or do I need to revert to the manual way of
setting up networks under Fedora Core 5 to connect to this network?


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