Re: A comment on NetworkManager

On Saturday 13 May 2006 11:09, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Humm, but on FC5, there is not an env subdir in ~.kde.  Are we to create 
> this from whole cloth?

mkdir ~/.kde/env ~/.kde/shutdown

> I've done this, but have not restarted X yet.

Just log out of KDE.  Then log into KDE.

> What are the expected results considering that ATM my networking is
> working fine using network to start it.

The original issue was, "how do I run nm-applet in KDE?"

This was just a clarification.  The nm-applet uses the GNOME keyring
to store passwords for encrypted WiFi networks.  I stated before that
the gnome-keyring-daemon was usable by merely starting it in your KDE
session.  That is not true.  Clients (including nm-applet) use the
environment to determine the Unix socket location so they can contact
the gnome-keyring-daemon.  KDE allows you to set the environment for
the KDE session by placing scripts in ~/.kde/env .  These will be
sourced at KDE start up time.

Garry T. Williams --- +1 678 656-4579

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