Re: Preserving Hostname/DNS Name


Thanks for the reply. I will investigate why Gnome-keyring-manager is
not working =(.


 Thanks for the suggestion, I will try that as an alternative.  It
would be really nice if NetworkManager optionally would at least
inform the dhcp server of the local hostname, if not the extension

- js

On 12/27/06, Andy Botting <andy andybotting com> wrote:
On Wed, 2006-12-27 at 20:25 -0800, Joshua Schmidlkofer wrote:
> I have network manager setup under Gentoo - it was pretty easy.
> a. I use Gnome.  After connecting to a wireless network, my machine
> takes whatever hostname is given, thus borking my gnome session.  I
> have to logout then in, and everything works.

This was really annoying me too.

I wrote a small script set my hostname back again and put it
in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d. Now when NM connects, it resets my
hostname back to what it was before. Messy, but it works ;)



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