Re: NetworkManager OpenVPN plugin

Sebastian Willert wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Sebastian.

> I am trying to extend the NetworkManager OpenVPN plugin to support
> misconfigured VPNs (e.g. without proper nsCert types) and VPNs that can
> be accessed from Intra- as well as the Internet (those tend to change
> the source of their packages from external to internal, thus requiring
> the --float option). Things seem to work quite well, so I thought it
> might be worthwhile proposing the changes. 

Sounds reasonable. If you send me the patch I will have a look.

> The name of the current Ubuntu source package from the
> repository suggests that there is an
> svn out there (that I wasn't able to find). I think it would be best if
> I could produce diffs from there.

Do you mean the CVS that NetworkManager is kept in? You can find it at There are instructions how to check out code.

> Furthermore I'd really like to discuss my changes (not sure I they align
> well with gnome philosophy for instance) and, provided you consider
> accepting those, sensible changes to the properties dialog.

Send a patch so that we have a basis for a decision.

    Tim Niemueller <tim niemueller de>
 Imagination is more important than knowledge. (Albert Einstein)

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