Re: HEAD 1.378 bugs


On Mon, 2005-06-13 at 12:38 -0400, Bill Moss wrote:
> 1. Since the new VPN UI is not saving data to GConf, I configured the 
> name, gateway, group name, and vpn_data manually using gconftool-2.
> 2. I was able to enter a user password and a group password and save 
> them using keyring.
> 3. When I try to make a connection, I see
> the lock icon appear
> the lock icon disappear a few seconds later
> a dialog box comes up reporting the Cisco banner which says I have a 
> 'successful' connection.
> 4. ifconfig shows that no tun0 device has been created.

This should work from the vpnc editing widget - it works for both me and
Dan. Remember that you need to do a clean checkout, run

 ./ --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc
 --with-named=/usr/sbin/named --with-named-dir=/var/named/data

(not sure all these are necessary nowadays) do a make; make install and
then do the vpnc thing in and for vpn-daemons/vpnc

 ./ --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc

Also remember to restart both the D-BUS daemon (on Fedora it's 'service
messagebus restart) and the NetworkManager daemon.

Thanks for testing this.


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