Re: CVS 1-17-05 vs 1-21-05

On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, Bill Moss wrote:
> With this patch in place, NM in no-daemon mode still works but the 
> applet icons do not show up.  Starting NM in daemon mode still does not 
> work and the applet icons do not show up.
> Before, I applied this patch, I noticed that there are more png files 
> for the connection and detecting animated icons but the animations don't 
> look as good as previously. The animations seem to be jumpy, flashing on 
> and off.


The icon stuff is a bit messed up because GTK can't find the icons.  There 
are a few missing pieces in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/index.theme since the 
icons there are 24x24.  Diana got some new icons that are 22x22, and since 
index.theme already has those bits, I'll be fixing that part soon.

The icons actually _aren't_ jumpy, they are a lot smoother, but can't find 
the right icons anymore (the GTK icon theme stuff is a bit dumb.)

I'll post a debugging patch that will show when the card scans and the 
results it has.  If you could apply that and post the output, it would be 


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