Re: remote debugging of avr mcu: no breakpoint at main() after loading elf-file

Hello Johannes,

Johannes Deutsch <j_deutsch web de> a écrit:

Sorry for my embarrassingly late reply.

at the moment i try to debug an AVR microcontroller via Nemiver.
Unfortunately it doesn't work as expected. It seems that Nemiver
doesn't break the program at main(). Nevertheless i can halt the
program, set a breakpoint and continue it again. All breakpoints that i
introduced in this way are triggered correctly and intercepted by
If I am not mistaken, Nemiver doesn't try to set a break point in the
main() entry point of the program when it's connecting to a remote

The reason for this is that in many cases, some remote targets don't
have 'main' entry points.


The debugging output is attached.

Looking at the output, it seems you did set a breakpoint into
the function __vector_35().  But I don't see any breakpoint set into

At this point i don't know whether i should file a bug report or i have
to adjust any setting?
I think this discussion we are having is just fine for now.  And no,
there is no setting.

Here is the thing to do, I think.  Once Nemiver is connected to the
remote target, you have to set a break point on the main() function
yourself and then tell Nemiver to continue.

I would be very happy if any more experienced Nemiver user comments my
usecase or give me a hint how i can achieve that the program breaks
upon reaching main().
Sorry again for this late reply.  I hope it's helpful even though very
very very late.



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