Re: [anjuta-devel] Sharing code between Nemiver and Anjuta


I have spent some time to check how I can use Nemiver code inside Anjuta. I see two ways to do this.

The first one is the easiest. I will reuse only the debugger backend. On Nemiver side, it corresponds to the IDebugger interface. I agree that it's better to use this interface than the gdb backend directly. On Anjuta side, this will replace the gdb plugin.

The Anjuta plugin will be in C++, using libnemivercommon and loading the module gdbmod. I have to write a wrapper around the debugger backend object to implement the C IAnjutaDebugger interface.

The Nemiver IDebugger interface has quite a lots of functions, so it is quite some work to wrap all of them and I haven't checked yet if some functions are difficult to wrap comparing to the IAnjutaDebugger interface.

It can be possible that a change in Nemiver or in IAnjutaDebugger could help here. Except that, I don't expect other changes. I have been able to load the gdbmod module outside Nemiver quite easily.

The second possibility is to reuse the GUI of Nemiver: the Context, Register, Memory, Breakpoints windows... The advantage is that it allows to share much more code. In Anjuta the debugger backend plugin is much smaller than the debugger GUI plugin. If we have similar ratio, this solution allows to share more than 3 time more code.

Another advantage of this solution is that the interface is simpler. The debugger GUI interface needs simpler functions like start or stop the debugger, load a program, get the debugger window.... The Nemiver widgets could communicate with the Nemiver debugger backend in C++ like it works in Nemiver.

Of course, there are some drawbacks too. The main issue is that it is much more difficult to reuse the Nemiver GUI because, contrary to the debugger backend, it is organized in a bit different way than in Anjuta.

In Nemiver the GUI is handled by the IDBGPerspective object. This object is responsible for creating and organizing all widgets. It can be compared to the debugger manager plugin of Anjuta which is responsible for the debugger GUI. The difference is that the Anjuta plugin handles only the debugger specific windows like the breakpoint or the stack windows and can use windows provided by other plugins like the editor or the terminal window. Moreover Anjuta plugin doesn't control the layout of the windows and give only hints for their position.

Another difference is the Nemiver Workbench object. It plays the role of the AnjutaShell object in Anjuta as a parent of the other parts of the application. I think one option is to write a custom Workbench object that will redirect most requests to the AnjutaShell object. One issue is that it has to be loaded as a module. Then the toolbar and the menu are handled in a different way in Anjuta, they are described in a .xml file.

I think the second option is more interesting but it needs more work, to avoid any ambiguities, I don't ask anyone to do it. I plan to work on it. It will all take the time needed, I don't have a deadline.

What do you think about these two options?



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