[documentation] Port to mallard, request for review

Dear all,

During the last months, I tried to rewrite the user documentation from
docbook to mallard which is the format for the cool kids :).

As there is some licensing issue, I was not able to do a verbatim
port, and had to write from scratch, however I tried to keep same
sections. The documentation is far from being complete but my first
goal is to have something almost similar that the current, and expand
later the content.

The documentation is in the mallard-docs branch. To test it, do the following:
- git clone git.gnome.org/nemiver
- cd nemiver
- git checkout mallard-docs
- cd docs/C/
- yelp .

Now you read and spot my mistakes (technical and grammatical).

Thanks for your help.


Baptiste Mille-Mathias
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