Re: Missing Debug Info

Brian Duffy <brduffy gmail com> a écrit:

> I have gotten a little feedback from the vala mailing list as well
> now. It was made clear to me that I could call
> clutter_actor_get_width(r) from within the debugger to access that
> particular property so I guess calling accessor methods is another
> approach to use.

If you need to call a function from the program you are debugging, you
can hit ctrl-E (aka Execute) from Nemiver to do so.  It'll popup a
dialog in which you type in the function call expression you want the
debugger to evaluate for you.  This is equivalent to hitting "debug ->
call a function" sub menu.

> What still confuses me some is that I can print the value of the
> property out to the console with vala's printf statement.

I guess the argument of the vala's printf statement gets translated into
its C equivalent, by the valac compiler?

> It seems to me that there must be some way to get the debugger (gdb)
> to grock what the vala printf statement does without having to rewrite
> the valac compiler. It looks like one user did some work on a gdb
> patch that might address this. I'll need to look into it.

There always is an amount of band-aid available to you for this kind of
shortcoming.  But there comes a point where band-aid just shows up as
mere band-aid.

Though, I agree that some language support is also needed in GDB for the
whole shebang to work correctly, regardless of the debug information
generated by the compiler.  And if you are interested in helping with
that, it would be greatly appreciated.

But in the grand scheme of things, you can't really do away with
generating accurate debug info, in a way or in another.

> Thanks again

My pleasure.


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