Re: Blocking the UI from CPU-intensive gdbmi parsing

Dodji Seketeli wrote:
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Jonathon Jongsma a écrit :
Yeah, it could be worth doing some profiling again, but I think it's
inevitable that some parsing operations may take a long time, especially
for very large C++ programs.

Yes, of course. But still, many seconds, on current beefed up machines, to parse
the list of files seems too much to me. Unless the gdb output represents some
gigabytes of ram. And I doubt that. When I have time I'll try to profile that
and see what I can do.

Yes, this is true. we should really do some profiling. (just for the record, parsing the list of source files for nemiver itself takes approximately 6-7 seconds on my machine)

First, it really only works for parsing operations.  For instance,
consider the file list operation (the case that caused me to think about
this issue in the first place).  The file list operation has two
distinct parts:  the first part where gdb actually gathers the  list of
files and spits it out to the io channel, and the second part where we
parse the output of gdb and build it up into a list that we pass back to
the application.  Imagine (i'm using arbitrary numbers just for
illustration here) that the first part where gdb gathers the list of
files takes 5 seconds, and the second part where we parse and build the
list also takes 5 seconds.  So for the first 5 seconds of the operation,
we will not be blocking, but we won't be emitting any progress pulses
(since we're not doing anything -- we're just waiting for output).

Sure, I am aware of that. Idealy, I think gdb should notify us about its
progress. That would let us adress this issue in a direct and consistent way
with what I was proposing.

Yeah, that could be nice, but I guess even if gdb added that feature, we wouldn't be able to assume users had that version for quite a long time.

 For the second 5 seconds we'd be parsing output and emitting progress pulses
periodically.  So we've solved the problem of blocking the UI, but the
application user experience is a little bit inconsistent.  Because if we
want a progress bar to pulse for the entire 10 seconds (instead of just
the last 5 seconds), we have to find a slightly different approach.

Well, We have IDebugger::command_done_signal() that is emitted right after
IDebugger sends the command GDB, if GDB acknowledges the command. So I *think*
we could just start pulsing when we receive the IDebugger::command_done_signal.
I think that would work, but would be hackish until GDB can really notify us
about its progress.

So if I understand correctly, you're suggesting that we could handle this signal and start a timeout-based progress pulse. then when we actually get the reply from gdb, we could disable the timeout and pulse progress as we parse the output (?)

The other question I have about the above API is how to associate a
certain progress event  with a particular operation.  Perhaps all
debugger operations that can notify about progress can return a progress
notifier object or something, e.g.:

virtual ISomeNotifierSafePtr list_files (const UString &);

And then if you want to be notified of progress you can connect to its
signals.  I'm not sure how the internal implementation of this would
work, but it seems like a reasonably clean API to me.  what do you think?

The way i see it is to have some possible long operations be invoked through an
API that ressembles:

void IDebugger::do_long_operation (sigc::slot<void, void> &a_notification_slot);

a_notification_slot would be the slot invoked to notify the progress. For the
sake of simplicity, I choosed sigc::slot<void, void> in this exemple, but it
could be a slot that has got a more useful signature, I guess.

hm, so that looks like basically the same sort of thing as my suggestion, except you're passing a slot as an argument to the debugger call, whereas in my prototype I'm passing a signal back from the debugger call.

So in my case, the user of the debugger API would look something like this:

IProgressNotifierSafePtr progress = debugger->list_files();
progress->signal_progress_pulse ().connect (sigc::mem_fun(...));

and I've actually toyed around with the idea of adding some API to the progress notifier that would enable API users to cancel long-running commands, e.g.: progress->cancel (); This could set a flag that the parser could check whenever it checks in to pulse the notifier and if it is set, it could abort the operation... Obviously the idea is not fully-thought-out yet, but it could be useful.

I am currently playing with the support of variable object, and I have
introduced that kind of API to easy the code of the client side (not for
notification purposes though), and it looks interesting.

You can have a feeling of how to use it by looking at the code of the function
on_variable_created_signal2 at

More on that later. I need to thinker with the code a little more before being
fully sure :)

I will take a look at your branch. Btw, I wasn't sure that I wanted to push my experimental notifier branch to since I'm not sure it will be the approach we end up using. So I pushed it to my homedir on instead:
Do you know if will provide a simpler way to host user repositories?

If you have time, I'd love it if you could checkout my 'progress-notifier' branch and let me know what you think of the approach. (If you want to see a demonstration of it in action, build that branch and select 'File > Open Source File ...' while debugging a non-trivial application).


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