Need help to get started

Hi, I am trying to build nautilus from source, and following the steps described here
While running './', I'm getting the error - "No package 'tracker-sparql-0.16' found".  The version of this package that can be installed via 'apt-get' is 0.14.I am using Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise), Gnome 3.4.2 and Nautilus 3.4.
Do I need to upgrade my distro ?

There's also a question on AskUbuntu regarding this - The links given are not working, and someone even commented that "building 'nautilus' is overkill" ?!

I want to hack on nautilus, so is there any other way of building nautilus, or can anyone please help me how to remove this error ?

Sorry if this is not the mailing list for these types of queries, I had to post it here because I didn't get any response in IRC.

Parin Porecha

say Kifflom! and look forward to 17.09.13 !

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