Re: Adding a bookmark in nautilus 3.8.2 is very counterintuitive

On 11/20/2013 07:44 PM, Nelson Benítez León wrote:
2013/11/21 shirish शिरीष <shirishag75 gmail com>:
Hi all,
Adding a bookmark is very counterintuitive esp. in GNOME 3.8 . I tried
all the ways and didn't succeed. Then opened a bug in debian


Then I was made aware of bug 686961 in gnome bugzilla.

The OP tells my use-case exactly and co-incidentally I tried all the
options which were tried by him as well.

This was indeed broken in 3.8.x, but the good news is this is fixed in
Nautilus 3.10 ,
when you drag over the bookmarks on the sidebar, a new special item called
"New Bookmark" appears so you can drop over it to create the bookmark.

Will update the bug.

Thanks for the response! It doesn't work if there are no existing
bookmarks though. (I updated the bug).
Also, how did you record the video?

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