Re: Adding a bookmark in nautilus 3.8.2 is very counterintuitive

Many GNOME projects ignore the "Status" variable in bugs. So the fact
that it's marked UNCONFIRMED doesn't say anything about its validity.

I know Allan Day (aday on has been working on some
nautilus mockups recently. I imagine he's the one who suggested the
current designs, so to get some activity on the bug, one could start by
poking him, one of the nautilus maintainers, or some other people on

Best of luck!

Thanks for the feedback


On 11/20/2013 06:08 PM, shirish शिरीष wrote:
Hi all,
Adding a bookmark is very counterintuitive esp. in GNOME 3.8 . I tried
all the ways and didn't succeed. Then opened a bug in debian


Then I was made aware of bug 686961 in gnome bugzilla.

The OP tells my use-case exactly and co-incidentally I tried all the
options which were tried by him as well.

While I cannot ask you for anything, could at least somebody from the
team mark the bug's status as at least CONFIRMED as well.

Looking forward to know more.

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