Re: Options added through Nautilus-action are coming on installed nautilus from source code

> Hello,


> I have installed nautilus-2.30.1 from the source code, in that some
> options like compress, format, sharing options were not coming by
> default, then I have used nautilus-action package. But it is not
> reflecting. What could be the reason?

I'm not sure what you mean by "reflecting" here (my english may be
not good enough) ?

If you expected that the missing options magically appear in your
context menu after Nautilus-Actions installation.. Bad luck!
Nautilus-Actions is just a tool which let you add your own actions
to the Nautilus context menu. It doesn't bring any action by its own.

> Are there other ways to add those options? how the default
> settigns of gconf-editor work with nautilus installed from
> source code. Or do I have to modify /usr/share/nautilus/ui
> or any other file (xml)?
> Options added from nautilus-action are reflecting in the default
> nautilus (with OS).

In order the nautilus you have compiled yourself take into
account the Nautilus-Actions actions, you have to provide it
with the N-A plugins. Just install them in
<libdir>/nautilus/extensions-x.y (not remember the exact x.y
for nautilus 2.30.1). You may just copy those of your os-provided
nautilus, or recompile Nautilus-Actions if the versions are too

Hope that helps.

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