Re: media renaming

On 27 Oct 2010, at 09:10, Andreas Heinlein wrote:

>> Hello,
> there are two ways to do this with a GUI:
> 1) Use the Disk Utility (from System->Administration). This seems to be
> the proposed way.
> 2) Use nautilus-actions to have something like "Change drive label" in
> the context menu, which then executes mlabel. The difficult part here is
> to get this to appear only when right-clicking a drive. The key is to
> use the custom URL schemes "computer:///" and "x-nautilus-desktop:///"
> (with the side effect that the menu item also appears when
> right-clicking other items on the desktop). I am currently preparing
> this as a package, since we need this too. If you like, I can mail it
> when it's done.

Ouch. Meanwhile, on other desktops, mounted drives are renamed exactly the same way as any other icon.


CALUM BENSON, Interaction Designer     Oracle Corporation Ireland Ltd.
mailto:calum benson oracle com         Solaris Desktop Team             +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Oracle Corp.

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