Re: Question about background items in a nautilus-menu-provider extension

On Wed, 2010-02-24 at 00:06 +0100, Colomban Wendling wrote:

> But with background items, it doesn't seems to be that simple: the
> NautilusFileInfo I have attached to the menu item is NULL. After a
> little time at tracking the problem, I finally saw that
> get_background_items() is called more than once for a single
> directory,
> and that the passed NautilusFileInfo is not NULL only once; And the
> time
> it is set is not the one that generates the item that Nautilus
> actually use.
> Then my questions:
> Is this indented (and if yes, why?) or is it a subtle bug somewhere?
> How extensions are supposed to handle this?

That does indeed seem weird. I'd say its a bug of some sort. Which of
the calls has a non-NULL FileInfo, the last one?

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl redhat com            alexander larsson gmail com 
He's a lonely sweet-toothed stage actor searching for his wife's true killer. 
She's a vivacious goth hooker who dreams of becoming Elvis. They fight crime! 

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