Hi all,
first, I will do a little presentation.
My real name is Robin and I'm a 23 years old student from the University of Geneva. Studying computer science, of course. My mother language is french so please, forgive my english mistakes ;)
A friend of mine and myself started to developp an application that would copy files using the principle of queue and with the ability to pause a copy. But later on, we realised it would be much better if we can add this feature to nautilus as it already does lots of things like copying from an ftp server or handling the dragNdrop. Moreover, it would be more integrated to the system of someone who uses gnome as a DE.
So, my question is: is it possible to developp it as u plugin? (I think this would cause lots of problems) Or, is it possible to implemente those features in Nautilus directly and be part of nautilus developpers? We would love to participate!
Thanks for having reading me and payed attention to this email.
Robin Hahling