How to fix Unique-DBus-WARNING?


I run nautilus on a linux machine, which give the following warning.
Can somebody let me know what the problem is and how to fix the


$ nautilus

(nautilus:14259): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Unable to open a connection
to the session bus: /home/pengy/utility/linux/bin/dbus-launch
terminated abnormally with the following error: EOF in dbus-launch
reading address from bus daemon

(nautilus:14259): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Unable to connect to the
running instance, aborting.

(nautilus:14259): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Unable to open a connection
to the session bus: /home/pengy/utility/linux/bin/dbus-launch
terminated abnormally with the following error: EOF in dbus-launch
reading address from bus daemon

(nautilus:14259): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Unable to connect to the
running instance, aborting.

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