Re: nautilus and gio and linux

On Tue, 2009-05-12 at 07:43 -0400, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> I've trace the dependence of nautilus back to the newish gio system and 
> I think I've found where in gio nautilus is determining that a volume is 
> ejectable.
> However, I'm stuck on the next step.  Where do I go to see how the(?) 
> linux interface for gio determines whether a volume is ejectable?

It depends on what backend you end up with for GVolumeMonitor, if your
using linux its likely the hal monitor which is in gvfs/monitor/hal, or
if you're using Fedora 11 the new gnome disk utility monitor which is in
gvfs/monitor/gdu (in F11 patch or in gvfs git).

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